Users are looking for Apple’s iOS 14 desktop widget design, and downloads of the image app Pinterest surge

After the official version of iOS 14 was pushed, the various gameplay of widget functions made many Apple users around the world crazy. In order to try out and add various widgets, many users share their design products on major social platforms such as Twitter and TikTok. And Pinterest, a picture sharing community that has been silent for a while, has reached an all-time high in average daily downloads after the release of iOS 14.

According to TechCrunch, since the release of iOS 14, Pinterest’s ranking in the App Store has risen rapidly. The reason why many users download it is to find inspiration for the iPhone homepage design . Apptopia’s data shows that Pinterest had more than 610,000 downloads in the App Store on September 21; and on September 20, the App was downloaded 800,000 times in one day, an increase of 32 compared to last week. %, breaking the record since 2014. On September 18, the Pinterest App ranked 47th in the App Store, and now it is ranked sixth.

Regarding the surge in downloads, a Pinterest spokesperson said: “This week, the number of searches for iOS 14 wallpapers and home screen designs by Gen Z users (the generation born in 1995-2009) has increased. According to our survey, this age group Users have increased by 50% compared to the same period last year.”

“Users use our platform as a resource library for aesthetic inspiration and decoration of personal space, such as decorating bedrooms, etc. It is interesting to see them looking for inspiration for their online space on our platform.”

We have previously reported that only five days after the official version of iOS/iPadOS 14 was pushed, the installation rate has reached 27%, and the current number has exceeded 29%. The freedom that Apple gave users in the iOS 14 design has led many users to choose to update. Many third-party apps have quickly followed up on the design and version adaptation of widgets, and more and more apps have supported widgets.