How to tag followers on Instagram Reels?

The short videos that you post on Instagram called Reels are very popular today. Learn how to take advantage of using tags and in the article we show you how to tag followers or not on Instagram Reels.

Index(  )

  1. What are the benefits of tagging people on Instagram Reels?
    1. New followers
    2. Knowledge of your content
  2. How many people can be tagged on an Instagram Reels?
  3. What should be done to tag a user who does not follow me on an Instagram Reels?
    1. From the PC
    2. From the phone
  4. How to know how many people saw an Instagram Reels in which they were tagged?
  5. How to tag products in an Instagram Reels?

What are the benefits of tagging people on Instagram Reels?

Tagging people in Instagram posts has become a trend within the application. But there are many advantages of doing it, so here we are going to comment on some of the benefits of tagging in the Reels:

New followers

One of the benefits of tagging your post is that by doing so you can get more followers , since that post will also be displayed on the profile of the person you’ve tagged, which in turn will make that person’s followers visit your account, you like the content and therefore, become your new follower.

Knowledge of your content

When you tag someone on the Instagram platform, you allow many to know the published content and in this way your identity will be extended in the social network , when they start following you they will be able to see all your publications. And if it is the case that your publication goes viral, it is these followers who will attract others and make it a trend.

How many people can be tagged on an Instagram Reels?

Tagging followers on your Instagram Reels is very advantageous, but unfortunately the application has established a maximum amount for the tags which is 20 people In this way, a collapse in the publications and labels that the millions of users make daily in the application is avoided.

You will probably not be able to label that limit number of people, but it is better to abide by the rules of the App . The same happens in the case of the reactions that are made to these publications, the platform has conditioned the amount by granting a limit of 100 reactions per hour.

What should be done to tag a user who does not follow me on an Instagram Reels?

The Instagram application always surprises its users with the news of the platform, and one of them is that it gives you the possibility of tagging a person who is not yet your follower. Are you interested in knowing how? Look at what you should do in each case using your PC or your mobile device.

From the PC

The first thing you should do is enter your favorite browser and log into your Instagram account. Second, you choose the video or image that you want to upload to your Reels. Third, you go to the description of the file and click on the Tag People icon and start selecting who you will tag, typing the name of the user.

From the phone

From your mobile device you follow the following route: You open the application, click on the + button , upload the video from your gallery or create it at the moment, edit it with the effects you want and then go to the Tag icon people , which is the button located near the Add Location icon. You write the names and upload the publication.

How to know how many people saw an Instagram Reels in which they were tagged?

If you want to know who of the people you tagged in your Reels viewed it, the first thing you should know is that this option is not available for Reels that are published from personal accounts. But if it’s another type of account, there is a way to do it.

The steps are: You enter your profile, then in the Reels , click on the three dots menu , and click on the option to View statistics . Or if your account is personal, you can check the reactions and comments they made to the Reels, and that will give you an approximate of those who saw the publication.

How to tag products in an Instagram Reels?

Locate the image to be published and click on the button Label products and select the products that you want to appear as a label in that publication and upload it. Try it and you will see how beneficial it will be for your business.

