How to stop following a page on Facebook from a cell phone?

Whether it is because we have a long time with the account or we are not very attentive to everything that appears in our Facebook starts (or where it comes from), most of us do not have control of the number of pages we follow.

Today in Look How It Is Made we will guide you so that you know who you follow on Facebook and how to stop following pages from your cell phone.

Index(  )

  1. Why should I take care of which pages or users I follow on Facebook?
    1. Facebook recommends similar content
    2. They appear at the top of the news section
  2. What do I need on my mobile if I want to remove a user from my followed list?
    1. A browser with the Facebook session started
    2. The Facebook application for cell phones
  3. How do I remove a Facebook profile or page from my following list?
    1. From an Android or iOS device
    2. Inside a MacBook
    3. If my computer has Microsoft Windows
  4. Why isn’t the option to unfollow a profile appear?

Why should I take care of which pages or users I follow on Facebook?

By liking a page and making new friends on Facebook , we automatically start following them. Therefore, we will be notified of its content and we will see it constantly , so we must be aware of who we become a follower.

Facebook recommends similar content

Now, we may not want to see that type of content for various reasons, either because we lost interest in the page or because of the suggestions of similar to them that Facebook recommends based on what we like, which could seem annoying.

They appear at the top of the news section

The pages or accounts that we follow will be the first to fill our news section , sometimes limiting the content that is really of interest to us or taking priority away from it.

It can also happen that, although we have a friend on Facebook, we do not want to be aware of what they share on their profile , so we must also take care of the users we are following.

What do I need on my mobile if I want to remove a user from my followed list?

To stop following someone on Facebook, we need to log into our account , from a browser or using the mobile app.

A browser with the Facebook session started

We can access our Facebook account using any browser, such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari, to modify the following list that we have in it.

The Facebook application for cell phones

We mostly have on our mobile, one of the versions of the Facebook app installed with which we can access it in a faster and more practical way to stop following who we want.

How do I remove a Facebook profile or page from my following list?

Unfollowing a Facebook account is as simple as blocking, deleting or taking a break from it or making any configuration on our profile.

From an Android or iOS device

First of all, we must enter the profile of the page or that of the user that we want to eliminate from our followers.

If it is a page we will find a button with three points in a lateral position. We must press it and select Following (or Manage tracking settings, if it is an Android device), and then Stop following.

In the case of users, we will have the Following button directly . We will click on this and then on “Stop following”.

Inside a MacBook

In case we are using a MacBook computer, we enter the profile and we can stop following directly on the designated button.

If it is a page, when breaking down the options by pressing the three dots, we must go to “Follow-up settings”, mark the corresponding circle to stop following and refresh the page so that this is completed.

If my computer has Microsoft Windows

When using a computer with a Windows operating system, removing a page or profile from the follower list is not much different than using a cell phone.

First, we enter the page or profile, select the three points or “following” and stop following in the designated option.

We can also stop following, through any of the devices, from the news section, by clicking on the three points on the side in the upper right corner of a publication on the page or user and clicking on the option to Stop following [the account ].

Why isn’t the option to unfollow a profile appear?

With some pages, a situation may arise in which we do not find the option to stop following it. In that case, the page will have a button to like it , which translates to following it.

So by removing the “like” we will easily unfollow it if it does not allow us to unfollow in another way.

Being a user, each one can limit and control who follows him on Facebook , but it is not possible to prevent others from unfollowing him. Therefore, that will always be an option to not see your posts in the news section.
