How to set privacy for my photos and on Facebook

If you need to know how to configure the privacy of your photos on Facebook, and the importance of maintaining good control over who sees your photos. In this article we will show you the procedure you must follow to hide the content of your Facebook account .

In this simple and practical way, you can control who sees your photos and the information on your Facebook profile. And thus keep account privacy safe.

Index(  )

  1. Why is it important to maintain control over who sees your photos on Facebook?
  2. What is the procedure to hide content from my profile on Facebook?
  3. How can I edit the privacy of my photos and Facebook posts?
    1. With the Android mobile app
    2. Using the iPhone app
    3. From the website
  4. How do I edit the privacy of my albums posted on Facebook?
  5. What can I do if my device does not allow me to change the privacy of my photos?

Why is it important to maintain control over who sees your photos on Facebook?

Facebook is a very popular social network worldwide, which is used by millions of users every day, so it is important that your profile has the highest possible security and privacy.

With this you can prevent unwanted people from accessing the content you share on your wall, both your photos and your personal information.

Do not allow strangers to have access to the information on your Facebook profile, as it can be used for extortion or theft , so make sure you keep good control of who can see the photos you post on your Facebook account.

It is important that you configure the security and privacy measures that Facebook offers you, so that you can have better control when publishing your personal photos. Being able to have control of who looks at your photos on your Facebook account will help you prevent strangers from having access to them, and they can be used to harm you morally.

What is the procedure to hide content from my profile on Facebook?

If you need to know how to hide your personal information in your profile from your Facebook account, here we will show you how to do it.

We know that many times creating a Facebook account involves having to provide personal information, such as, room address, phone number, email, work address, date of birth and other personal information .

All this data will be visible on our Facebook profile and can be seen at any time by other unwanted users.

To avoid all this, you must follow a series of steps and configure the privacy of your account, in order to prevent strangers from having access to your personal information.

The first thing you should do is enter the profile of your Facebook account. When you are in your profile, you must click on the “Information” tab located in the menu bar of your profile, there you will find a column with all the sections in which all your personal data can be found.

Then you must click on the section of each of the personal data that you want to configure. Subsequently, a small window will open where you must select who you want to see your personal information , such as:

  • Public:In this option, your data information will be visible to anyone on and off Facebook.
  • Friends:Your information will only be visible to your Facebook friends here.
  • Friends except:Here you can choose who of your friends on Facebook can see your personal information.
  • Specific friends:In this option you can choose who in the list of your friends you want to see your personal data.
  • Only me:Here only you will be able to see your personal information.
  • Acquaintances:Only you and your personalized friends will see your information.

This procedure should be done with each personal data that you want to configure, so that it is visible only with the users of your preference . And thus have greater privacy of your personal data.

How can I edit the privacy of my photos and Facebook posts?

Facebook gives you the opportunity to open your account, using a mobile application on some devices. In addition to this you can edit the privacy of your photos and publications , without having to access your computer. Here we will show you some of them.

With the Android mobile app

You must enter your Facebook account from your Android App, and select the photos option located in the profile of your Facebook account, and click on “Albums” or “Uploaded photos.” There we select the album or photo which you want to edit, click on the “Edit Privacy” option and choose who will see your photos.

In case you want to edit your publications, you must click on your profile and select the option ” Account settings ” and in the option ” Privacy ” choose who will be able to see your publications.

Using the iPhone app

To configure the privacy of your photos and publications of your Facebook account on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Facebook accounton your iPhone.
  2. Go to the app menu and select the “Settings” option, then click on account settings, a small window will open where you must click ” Privacy“.
  3. Select the first option of “Check some important settings options.”
  4. Select who in the public will be able to see your publicationsand photos from your Facebook account.
  5. After selecting who will see your posts and photos, click on the option “Ready”to complete the setting .

From the website

  • To change the privacy of your publications or photos from the website, you just have to log into your Facebook account from your computer.
  • Make click on your profile picture, then select ” Photos ” and select the photo that you want to change your privacy settings.
  • Then select the option “Edit publication privacy”. Choose who will be the ones who will be able to see your publications.

How do I edit the privacy of my albums posted on Facebook?

It is very important that your photos on Facebook have secure privacy settings , so that you can control who views your photos . For that you must follow a series of steps that we will explain below.

  1. You must click on your profile photo, located in the upper right part of your Facebook account.
  2. Select the option ” Photos” and ” Albums .”
  3. Select the album for which you want to edit the privacy settings.
  4. Click on the top right and then on the ” Edit Album” option .
  5. Select the “Current Privacy Settings” (for example, just me).
  6. Select the new audienceyou want to see your photos.
  7. Click on “Save.”

In the event that some of Facebook friends tag you in a photo and you want to remove the tag or delete it. You just have to enter your biography and select the option ” Report / remove tag “, located in the menu. Then select “I want to remove tag” in case it is a publication. If it is a photo, select the option ” I want to untag myself”

What can I do if my device does not allow me to change the privacy of my photos?

If you need to change the privacy settings of your Facebook photos, and you cannot do it from your device, either because it does not allow it or has an error, you can do it by entering the web from your computer and follow the steps mentioned above. . There you can do it quickly and easily .
