How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, WhatsappHow To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

Have you ever gotten a text from an unknown number or someone not on your contact list? In today’s world, telemarketers and scammers have used text messages as their preferred marketing technique. These unwanted text messages are not only annoying, but they could be coming from someone whose intentions aren’t exactly pure.


If you want to protect yourself from texts from unknown numbers, an easy solution is to block them. Blocking unknown numbers will only allow you to receive texts from senders who aren’t hiding their phone numbers or company name.

In this article, we’ll show you how to do so from various devices.

Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone

There’s a way to block texts from unknown numbers on an iPhone. Unfortunately, there’s no way to do so before an unknown number has texted you. Texts from unknown numbers will be able to text you once, but after following the steps below, they won’t be able to text you again. To learn how to do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Messages app on your iPhone.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  2. Tap on the text you’d like to block.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  3. On the top of the screen, tap the round icon.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  4. Just under the round icon, tap the icon for “Info.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  5. Tap “Block This Caller.” If you don’t see this option, tap the right-facing arrow on the upper-right part of the screen.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  6. Select “Block this Caller” and then “Block Contact” to confirm your selection.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

You can do something else to avoid unnecessary notifications when receiving a text message from an unknown caller. This method doesn’t block the text, but it will stop you from being alerted to it. The message will immediately be routed into a special folder where you can view the message later, and you won’t be notified that you received a text.

If this interests you, follow the steps below:

  1. Tap “Settings” and then select “Messages.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  2. Scroll down and find “Filter Unknown Senders.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  3. Turn the toggle button to the “on” position by tapping on it.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

Texts from unknown numbers will now be sent to a particular folder where you can view them and decide if you want to block them or not. This feature works similarly to a spam folder used in email apps.

Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an Android Device

Again, you can block texts from unknown numbers, but only after they have messaged you at least one time. With that being said, you can block them from texting you a second time. To do so, here are the steps:

  1. Open the Messages app on your Android.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  2. Select the text you’d like to block and tap on the “3-dots” icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  3. Tap “Details” from the drop-down menu.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  4. Select “Block and Report Spam.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

This unknown number won’t be able to text you again.

Block Texts From Unknown Numbers Samsung

There’s a way to block texts from unknown numbers on Samsung. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to do this universally, but you can stop an unknown number from texting you a second time. Although you can’t automatically block all unknown numbers, you can block them after the first text. To learn how to do this, check out these steps:

  1. Open the Messages app on your Samsung.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  2. Tap the “3-dots” icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  3. Select “Settings.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  4. Go to “Block numbers and spam,” and then “Block numbers.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  5. Tap the “Conversations” button and select the text you’d like to block.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

This unknown number will no longer be able to send you unwanted text messages.

Block Texts From Unknown Numbers in WhatsApp

You can easily block an unknown number on WhatsApp. Unfortunately, this can’t be done universally, but that unknown number will only be able to text you once. To learn how to block unknown numbers on WhatsApp, follow the steps below:

Note: The exact steps may differ depending on which device you use the app on, but all the methods are similar.

  1. Open WhatsApp.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  2. Select the text that you’d like to block.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  3. Navigate to “Contact Info,” scroll down and select “Block.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  4. Press “Block” again to confirm.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

You’ve now blocked that unknown number from texting you ever again.

Block Texts From Unknown Numbers in Viber

Blocking texts from unknown numbers on Viber can be accomplished, but unfortunately, it can’t be done universally. You’ll need to block individual texts as you get them. To learn how to do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Viber app.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  2. Go to your messages and tap on “Chats.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  3. Select the chat you’d like to block.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  4. Tap “Info.” For Android users, tap the three vertical dots. For iPhone users, tap the name of the chat.
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  5. Go to “Chat Info.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp
  6. Select “Block This Contact.”
    How To Block Texts From Unknown Numbers on an iPhone, Android, Whatsapp

This unknown number will no longer be able to text you and is blocked from further contact.

Additional FAQs

How do telemarketers get my number and then send me unwanted text messages?

Telemarketers, and sometimes even scammers, usually get your phone number by purchasing lists of phone numbers from third-party data providers. These companies gather phone numbers from a variety of different resources.

Legitimate companies compile lists of phone numbers, usually from customers who have provided it on an application, online form, or even from a simple phone call to an 800 number. Unfortunately, sometimes these companies sell these phone lists.

Can they still call me if I block a phone number from texting me?

Yes, but with limitations. Once you’ve blocked a certain number from texting you, the block will follow over to regular phone calls. They will be able to call you; however, your phone will send their call directly to voicemail. Your phone will never ring from a number you’ve blocked from texting.

The same goes for their texts. They can text you, but their texts will never be delivered.

If I block a phone number, will they know that I’ve done so?

The blocked person will never get a message saying that you have blocked them from sending text messages. They’ll never know directly, but if delivery notifications are turned on, they will see that their texts haven’t been delivered. This could be a clue to them that you did block them. However, if they do not use this feature, they won’t have any idea if their text message was delivered or not.

They Can Text You Once, but They Can’t Text You Twice

Blocking unwanted texts from unknown numbers saves you from the hassle of dealing with telemarketers, robotexters, and other text messages that you don’t want to receive. No longer will you get a text notification only to see it’s not from a friend; it’s from someone who’s blocking their phone number. As you learned from this article, you can stop them from harassing you.

Have you needed to block texts from unknown numbers? Did you use the same methods we discussed in this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
