Galaxy A55 becomes first Samsung phone to support seamless updates

For many years, Samsung has not adopted Android’s seamless update function, but this situation has finally changed. Samsung Galaxy A55 has become the first model to support this function, and it may be available in the future. More models will be supported.

Galaxy A55 becomes first Samsung phone to support seamless updates

According to report, seamless system updates mean that the download, verification and installation of system updates will be performed silently in the background , and users no longer need to endure lengthy update processes and various loading screens. The update will be installed silently, and users can simply restart their phone to start using the new version of the system.

Today, the Samsung Galaxy A55 received its first Seamless update with a new security patch, which is also the first firmware update for the model. It is foreseeable that future updates of the machine will adopt this more convenient method.

Users can tell whether the phone is undergoing a seamless update through the new progress bar that appears in the status bar. The progress bar is divided into two parts: “Download and Install…” and “Verification”.

It should be noted that the restart time after the first seamless update may be longer, but users will no longer see the annoying update processing loading screen and rotating gear icon.
