Facebook Reels is almost a copy of TikTok, some videos come directly from TikTok

On August 6, Beijing time, according to Forbes, when TikTok’s future is uncertain, Facebook took the opportunity to launch its own short video Instagram Reels in more than 50 countries around the world, including France, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, according to Instagram users Exposure, except for the different icons, the app is almost a replica of TikTok, and the experience of the two is exactly the same.

Instagram Reels works with TikTok

Like TikTok, Instagram Reels allows users to create 15-second videos based on music or audio, and supports similar filters and special effects. In fact, most of the music and influential creators on this platform are almost the same as Tik Tok. The clips grabbed from YouTube or other video platforms are also the same. Some videos come directly from TikTok, with TikTok in the lower right corner. symbols of.

In other words, Instagram Reels is just another Snapchat Stories event repeating itself. Facebook found a very popular feature on another social platform and copied and pasted it on Instagram. This experience is essentially like opening TikTok through Instagram. Users can watch a video, double-click to like it, or click another small icon to comment, and can swipe up to go to the next short video just like TikTok.

Of course, the two are not exactly the same. The video creation and editing interface of Instagram Reels is different from TikTok, and it provides video editing and music editing functions. Users can choose a piece of music they want to match the short video.