7 simple steps to Place an order on Jumia

Shopping on Jumia is easy once you have found the product you want to buy, just follow the steps below:

  1. Click on ‘Buy Now’ to add this product to your cart
  2. Click on ‘VIEW CART and CHECKOUT’ in the pop up
  3. Click on ‘Cart’ in the top right corner
  4. Register an account or Login into your existing account by entering your Email and password
  5. Enter your shipping/billing information, ensuring your address is complete and accurate
  6. Choose your preferred payment option
  7. Click on ‘Confirm order’ to complete your order

Once your order is placed, we will either automatically confirm it by notifying you via Email, or we will call you for confirmation in case we need more details.

Note: that this confirmation is a mandatory step before they ship your order.

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