Windows 10 Dev channel pushes cumulative update KB4587587, version number 20236.1005

Microsoft has released a new Windows 10 cumulative update Build 20236.1005 (KB4587587) to the preview channel. Build 20236 has a wealth of new features, such as changing the refresh rate, improving search, optimizing emoji selection and touch Keyboard etc.

Windows 10 Dev channel pushes cumulative update KB4587587, version number 20236.1005

Change the refresh rate of the display

Naijatechnews understands that users can now go to Settings> System> Display> Advanced Display Settings, and then change the refresh rate of the selected monitor. The displayed refresh rate may vary depending on the hardware supported on the device.

Windows 10 Dev channel pushes cumulative update KB4587587, version number 20236.1005

▲ Picture source Microsoft, the same below

Improve the search experience

Added a list of recent search history. You can disable the “Recent Search” function by turning off “Search history on this device” under Settings> Search> Permissions and History.

Windows 10 Dev channel pushes cumulative update KB4587587, version number 20236.1005

Developer update

  • The Windows SDK is now open to development channels. Whenever a new OS version is released to the developer channel, the corresponding SDK will also be released. Users can install the latest Insider SDK from The SDK will be archived in Flight Hub together with the OS.
  • Improvements To improve the accessibility of PDFs for Narrator and other screen reader users, the Microsoft Print to PDF option was updated to try to convert the provided font glyphs to Unicode when the printing application does not provide Unicode.

Of course, there are also the most classic bug fixes and known new bug links.


  • We resolved an issue where after adopting the latest version, some insiders received an unexpected Compatibility Assistant notification: “Microsoft Office is no longer available”.
  • We have fixed the crash or loss of some Office applications after updating to the new version.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the same application update to be repeatedly installed on previous versions.
  • We fixed an issue where some devices encountered DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION error checking
  • We fixed an issue that caused some insiders to encounter UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION during dxgkrnl.sys error checking in recent versions.
  • We fixed an issue that may cause 0x800F0247 errors when installing driver updates.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause sihost.exe to crash when trying to share an application through the “Share” option when right-clicking on a tile in “Start”.
  • We fixed the following issue: If the “Animation controls and elements in the window” is turned off in the “Performance Options”, dragging a tile to another tile group in the “Start” will result in the dragged tile No longer responds to mouse clicks.
  • We fixed an issue that caused Narrator to sometimes read the incorrect number of nodes in the navigation pane of File Explorer (for example, say 1 of 2 items instead of 1 of 4 items).
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the icon next to “Scan with Microsoft Defender” (when you right-click a file in the file browser) to be too large or too small.
  • We fixed an issue where the icon next to “Scan with Microsoft Defender” was not updated to reflect high contrast when right-clicking on a file when high contrast was enabled.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause File Explorer to crash when renaming files.
  • We fixed an issue in a recent build that caused clicking on an item in the timeline without launching the corresponding application.
  • We fixed an issue from the most recent version that affected some applications with a search box that disappeared even if the search box should remain visible when scrolling the application.
  • We fixed an issue that caused intermittent connection loss when connecting to a PC via a remote desktop connection due to the connected PC trying to go to sleep.
  • We fixed the following issue: When using the windns.h API to discover services on the local network, the TTL value of the discovered service was not used-instead the default value of 120 seconds was used.
  • ] We resolved an issue that the state of the “Listen to this device” checkbox in the microphone properties will not persist during the upgrade, but will return to the default state.
  • We fixed the problem that when opening “App Volume and Device Preferences”, adjusting the volume will also mute/unmute the sound.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the “Network and Internet Settings Status” page to sometimes fail to display all current connections.
  • We have resolved an issue that may cause the cursor to disappear when typing the command prompt with the Chinese input method activated.
  • We fixed an issue, even if the setting to make a sound when typing is enabled, sometimes touching the keyboard sometimes does not make any sound.
  • We fixed the problem that the French AZERTY touch keyboard layout is missing the number prompt label on the A/Z key and the “Select All/Undo” label is located at the top instead of the bottom.
  • We fixed an issue where the subkeys on the Japanese 12-key touch keyboard layout did not follow the updated key design.
  • We fixed an issue where Narrator accidentally said “emoji input panel” when you touched candidate text on the touch keyboard.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the touch keyboard to fall into a suspended state after waking the PC from sleep, causing it to not be automatically called when the focus is set to a text field.
  • We fixed an issue with the updated touch keyboard design. When using Arabic, the clipboard icon would appear on the wrong side of the copied text in the candidate bar.
  • We fixed an issue with the layout of the Thai touch keyboard. In this layout, the conversion status characters were placed in inconsistent positions on the keys.
  • We fixed an issue where “Narrator” did not read the category name in the “Recently Used” section when using the updated Emoji panel design.
  • We fixed an issue with the emoji panel when using Narrator. The issue was that after inserting an emoji, Narrator would remain silent and no longer navigate to other emojis.
  • We fixed an issue where the arrow keys could not be used to browse the gif part of the emoji panel.
  • When using high contrast, we fixed some contrast issues in the updated emoji panel and emoji input area of ​​the touch keyboard.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause the “Voice Input” settings menu to be drawn off the screen.
  • We fixed a regression that broke NVIDIA CUDA vGPU acceleration in the Windows subsystem of Linux. Please refer to this GitHub for complete details.

Known issues

  • We are solving a problem where a new application will not be installed on an x86 system and a Windows Installer service error will occur. Windows x64 is not affected.
  • We are solving an issue that when trying to perform a “Reset this PC” using the “Keep my files” option, it fails with the error message: “There was a problem resetting the PC. No changes were made.”
  • When trying to install a new version, we are investigating the issue of a long pause in the update process.
  • The real-time preview of the fixed site has not been enabled for all insiders, so when you hover over the thumbnail in the taskbar, you may see a gray window. We are continuing to work hard to perfect this experience.
  • We are working hard to enable a new taskbar experience for existing fixed sites. Users can unpin the website from the taskbar, delete it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the website.
  • We are resolving an issue that caused some devices to encounter KMODE_EXCEPTION error checking when using certain virtualization technologies.
  • We are working to solve this problem, where selecting an IME candidate or a hardware keyboard text prediction candidate may insert the candidate adjacent to the selected candidate.
  • We are investigating an issue reported by some insiders in which the taskbar obscures the “Power” button in the “Start” menu. If this happens on your PC, you may need to temporarily use the Windows key and the X menu to close.
  • We are investigating reports from some insiders who are experiencing APC_INDEX_MISMATCH error checking.
  • We are investigating GPU computing solutions, such as using CUDA and DirectML, which cannot be used within the Windows Subsystem (WSL) of Linux.
  • [ADDED 10/16] Windows Insiders on ARM PCs (such as Surface Pro X) will notice that Windows PowerShell will not launch on this version. The solution is, if you need to use PowerShell, please use “Windows PowerShell (x86)” or “Windows PowerShell ISE (x86)” from the “Start” menu; or download the new PowerShell 7 running on this machine. The icon of PowerShell 7 is also updated. Modern and more beautiful.