Tips on How To Unfollow All Accounts In Instagram

Tips on How To Unfollow All Accounts In InstagramTips on How To Unfollow All Accounts In Instagram

Sadly, there’s no legitimate, functioning app that lets you unfollow all accounts on Instagram at once. If there are many apps on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store that claim to do so.

But, trust us, none of them works. Therefore, they’re not worth your time. To find out how to unfollow accounts on Instagram manually, and the reasons why you should do so, keep reading this article.

Let’s Address the Instagram Unfollow Apps

Hundreds of unfollow apps are the first thing you see when you Google this topic. Most of them used to work at some point, but that’s no longer the case. If you look at the reviews of these apps, you’ll notice that all of them have a pretty inflated rating, despite more than half the people saying that they don’t work.

These apps aren’t only a waste of time, but most of them want to scam you too. They’re stealing either your information or your money if you decide to pay up for the premium versions. Absolutely none of the Unfollow Instagram apps work, and they all have similar names and descriptions.

Don’t fall for them! Getting an Unfollow Instagram app can get your IG account temporarily or even permanently banned. It can also steal your login information and other sensitive info.

Avoid Google Play Store, App Store, and especially third-party apps and sites such as AirGrow. You’ll simply have to unfollow accounts manually on IG, it’s the only way. Or is it?

Start Over on Instagram

If you can afford to unfollow all the accounts on Instagram, why not make a new account? This is much easier than manually unfollowing every person, bot, and page on Instagram. Plus, it will save you loads of time and effort.

Download Instagram on your mobile (the web version is very limited) through the official app store for your platform. Here are links for Android and iOS devices. You’ll also need a new email address and/or a mobile phone number.

You can’t use the same numbers or email you used for the previous account. Other than that, a new sign up is really easy. Just follow the on-screen instructions and enter your information when asked for it. Confirm your email or phone number, and you’ll be all set.

With a new account, you can follow whoever you want, and start fresh. It seems like a much better idea than messing with sketchy third-party apps or manually unfollowing everyone on IG.

Manually Remove Instagram Accounts You’re Following

Albeit a little more difficult, this method isn’t bad either. If you want to unfollow only some IG accounts, it’s better to do it manually. This way, you can keep your old IG profile, but also control who you follow.

It’s a solid half-measure because you can keep the followers you want, and get rid of those you don’t want. Even though this should be self-explanatory, here’s how manual unfollowing on IG works:

  1. Log into your IG account.
  2. Tap on your Profile (icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen).
  3. Tap on Followers in the top-center of your screen. You can also tap on the follower count.
  4. Go through the list of your followers and press Remove to the right of their username.
  5. Confirm the prompt by clicking Remove.
  6. Repeat the steps for as many followers you want to be removed.
  7. You can do the same with people who you are Following (this doesn’t need confirmation).

You can use the least interacted with and most shown in feed categories to help you out with removing people you’re following (i.e. spammers and inactive people).

Important Advice on the Matter

Keep in mind that if you unfollow too many people at once, you may look suspicious. Keep the number of unfollows to about 50 at a time. You can repeat the process every hour or so. As mentioned, the people you unfollow won’t even notice it, unless they visit your profile.

Another thing worth knowing is that the following cap on Instagram is 7,500. You can’t follow more people than that, but you can obviously have any number of followers. Some celebrities have follower counts in the millions, which must feel really nice.

If you want to use IG for business, then you should especially take care of your followers and the following ratio. In case you have a really bad follower ratio (e.g., only half of the people follow you back), you might not be taken seriously.

Most Instagram users just use it for fun. Even so, decluttering your Instagram feed is very smart. Why would you look at posts from people you dislike? Also, consider unfollowing the spammers that have to post every few hours and can’t live without the attention.

Finally, you might want to eliminate all the inactive IG profiles from your follower list, albeit they don’t do you any harm.

Be Smart using Instagram

Don’t fall for online scams. Remember, there is no legitimate way of unfollowing everyone on IG. You have to cautious even when doing it manually. If you don’t want your account banned, only unfollow a certain amount of people at a time.

Instagram has very strict policies, so make sure to respect them. Of course, creating a brand-new account isn’t a bad solution either, especially if you follow way too many people. Tell us what you think about the matter in the comments section below.
